Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Out of the Zoological Society of UHL

Well, they moved me to the other hospital. And low and behold I splatted on the way. I told them. I told them I don't like being moved when I'm unstable, but hey. What do I know? They're only my lungs after all. I'm not very happy with the way I was treated this time. They kept me there a lot longer than I needed to be. I'm the first person to admit when I need to be in hospital, but this time there was just no need. To be honest I think it's about time I argued my case for home nebs. Because this is getting ridiculous. Had I have had home nebs I would've been home a long time ago. They also said on my discharge letter that I discharged myself, was admitted because of "Foolish Behaviour" and went "Against Medical Advice" so I'm going to be having major words with my consultant about how his junior doctors write their damned discharge letters.

I think this time I've learnt a lot about how I need to speak to doctors. Normally I'm quite "Well if you say so" but from now on I'm going to have to start being more assertive. Nothing will ever get done if I sit back and say "Well if you say so" which was part of the reason I was in for 15 days. It's not fun. Specially when you're on a ward with a woman whose NIV makes farting noises and keeps you up all night so you don't get a proper nights sleep for 4 days. How they expect you to rest is beyond me.

I'm starting to accept my asthma is more severe than it was this time last year. I've gone from having a peak flow averaging around 500 to getting at the highest 400 and that was on an altered peak flow meter so I could get out of hospital. I don't want to admit it but I'm going to have to start making a few changes to my lifestyle. I won't be able to go on Red Cross duties where I know I'm going to be sitting outside all day, I won't be able to go running as much as I might like. Although when I get a bit more money I'm tempted to join the gym because at least then I'm not running in the cold. The question now is though, where do I go from here? They're talking about a trial drug called Xolair which is something they're looking to see if I'm eligable for. Also I think until I get Xolair, home nebs is something I'm going to have to push for because an admission a month just isn't fair. Prof has suggested it, but I don't think he's very keen. But we'll see, I'm in clinic on Monday. Even if it's only a temporary thing until he gets me under control again.

Anyway, I'll leave you with a few pics of me and the drugs I take on a day to day basis etc.

Even in hospital I manage a smile :)

Sats and heartrate where playing silly buggers on 10L. We weren't amused.

Daily Drugs of an Asthmatic

Thursday, 11 February 2010


Well, it didn't last. My good lung streak finally came to an end and I type this from my hospital bed a very unhappy girl. Had the attack last friday and am still in with no hope of home until at least Saturday. Getting a bit bored of all of this now. I may do 12 of 12 tomorrow of a day in the life of a hospital patient lol. That's if I manage to stay awake all day. Right now sleeping is always seeming to be the best plan.

Oh god, the woman next to me has gone off on one. She's a detoxing alcoholic and given my past I'm a bit weary of having her around. She was that bad last night they had security in here holding her down most of the night. It freaked me out.

I'm a bit pissed off, they don't seem to be doing a lot to get me better. I seem to be as good as I was about 4 days ago when I had that bad attack. But I don't really have very good sats on oxygen so they don't really know where to go from here. They want to transfer me to another hospital but they don't really know whether I'd end up in a worse state when I arrived as a pose to when I left so they're not exactly very willing to transfer me atm. Spec because I'm needing so much oxygen to keep my sats up. It's well annoying, but we'll see what the doctors have to say in the morning when I see them.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Well, Yesterday was my one year of living in England mark. I was ok all day, because I spent it with Chris and we went for sunday lunch and went bowling and stuff, but in typical Vicky fashion the nights got to me the most and I ended up in a heap last night sobbing to Chris. I am more upset at my family not caring to be honest. Not once since my last admission has my mum rang to see how I am or anything. It's annoying and it's not making me a very nice person because I'm constantly thinking about it, and as a result I'm being a cow to Chris and he doesn't deserve it.

I'm in the middle of my mocks in college. It's a nightmare. Because I've missed so much time I'm struggling to learn everything. I had chemistry today. It was fine up until the last question which was the bit I hadn't had a chance to look over, so whether or not I've passed it is another story. I've biology tomorrow and I'm feeling reasonably confident about that. I've been doing a lot of revision for it so hopefully I'm not completely screwed.

Anyway, this is like a day in the life thing. I thought it would be a good idea to show you what I get up to on a day to day basis.

Morning drugs! Don't say it's too dark, it was 7am. I was half asleep lol

Biology Revision in college. I was the last one to leave the library lol

What we were doing in chemistry today after our mock lol. Needless to say the lungs didn't agree, but it was pretty to look at!

Dinner! Spaghetti Hoops on Toast! Fantastic food!

Brain food, and brain mush. All in one.

Bought a new puffapouch for my inhaler today!

My pile of washing is getting a bit silly now...

Chris bought me a load of stuff from Paperchase today, and I bought a new wallet because my old one just was going to give up on me at any moment. But £12.12 for all the stationary wasn't bad!

My drugs drawer! There's no atrovent or ventolin in there at the minute, that's in my college rucksack. I take every one of those drugs every day, except for the random amoxicillian.

And finally into my bed!