Thursday, 1 July 2010

Sorry, What was that?

Well, I found out this week that my hearing is going. Which at my age is pretty shit for want of a better word. I was in hospital last week (same old problem) and it was decided I need to go for a hearing test. So that's being booked. Loosing you're hearing at 18 is not something that should happen. But until my test comes through I'll not know how severe it is. I'm scared that I'm going to be deaf by the time I'm 30. I don't want to have to give up all my dreams because of yet another health problem. Bollocks to it all. Not only that, but I've been referred to see a councellor and am having my citalopram changed because my depression is out of control again. It never fecking ends.

Not a lot else is going on at the minute. Me and Chris are going to Ilfracombe on Monday for a few days, which should be good fun. We both need a holiday. The past 6 months for me have been a nightmare, and I can't imagine they've been very easy on Chris either. My poor boyfriend has seen me in ITU, sat crying in the corner of my room and has sat with me through every hospital admission, every resus visit and every clinic appointment.

I don't normally post summat like this, but to hell with it. My friend Rachael could really do with some prayers at the minute. She had a double lung transplant a few months ago, and has suffered complication after complication.

I'll probably not post until I get back on Friday, so until then, Toodles!