Well, Seeing as I've been a rubbish blogger and really can't be arsed doing a big feck off blogpost, I thought I'd do like an in a nutshell thing of 2009!
I had the row with James that changed everything, and moved to England on the 31st January 2009!
I started learning how to do things reasonably for myself. I still had Emma and Alison to help, but I did some of it on my own. I got the income support and stuff started. Don died so I had to go back to Ireland for a few days.
Went back to Ireland for a few days to see family.
September *done a skip, not much happened for 6 months! :P*
My 18th! And I started college again. I went back to Ireland for a few days after my 18th and started my GCSE course at college.
Moved into my own place! Started going out with Chris and learned how to use a washing machine!
Ended up in hospital with my asthma. Everything started going downhill with college attendance.
Christmas! Ended up in hospital again a few days before I went to Ireland which was annoying. Went back to Ireland and learned exactly why I left. Stupid stepdad ruining everything.
Backk from Ireland for 4 days, and yep you guessed it, back in hospital. But this time in a different one, so was seen by a reasonable doctor and managed to snag a side room. Result! Started being seen by a specialist center and things have started looking up on the asthma front. Had my first huge money worry when I didn't have enough money to pay my rent, but got that sorted!
I think in the past year I've changed a lot. I have had to learn to do a lot for myself and I think it's made me a much more mature person than I was. I've started to learn when I need to ask for help which is a huge deal for me. Getting a proper boyfriend and making the relationship last more than a week was a big deal for me aswell. Chris is fantastic and I wouldn't have been able to do the past few months without him. The past 12 months has taught me that I need my friends more than I thought. Because sometimes your family can let you down. It's when that happens that your true friends show who they are, and for the people that have stuck by me, I'll never forget you.
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