I get up late, and still find time to make my bed! Wooo go me!

Was on a Red Cross duty. It's Refugee Week and the British Red Cross were holding like a party thing in the park in town and we were asked to go keep an eye on things. This is the samba players plus our refugee co-ordinators.
3/4 times a day I have to check my blood sugar. Because I didn't realise when I was in DKA before, I have to be careful and check it regularily. My poor fingers are screwed.

This was on my list of things to do today, but never got done. My poor bedside table!

You know you're going mad when you start seeing Red Cross vans everywhere. This one was parked across my road delivering a whole load of stuff.
I'm doing like a photo challenge thing for a Sci-Fi Group I belong to. I was doing my chemistry revision and hadn't got a picture for 31, so thought why not gallium?!
Urgh, hate revision. Notice how the TV is on, I think I was watching it more than chemistry to be honest

Gt Chris some stuff to say thank you for what he's done for me lately. He's going to start his paramedic training soon so I thought the book would be a good idea, and he needed a new torch, so it's all good!

And then the voice started to go :( and so began my lurgy.
The drugs of a dozy asthmatic when she has the lurgy at night.
The temperature and peak flow. Considering I have the lurgy that's not a bad peak flow. Still pretty pants for me, but all good considering last time I had the lurgy I ended up in hospital with a severe chest infection.
And finally, My teddy! I can't go to sleep without him!
So what's been going on? Not an awful lot. In the middle of my exams, so when I'm not asleep because I feel like shit, I'm studying. Life of a student and all that. It could be worse, I could be doing A-Levels. Oh wait, that's next year. Asthma-Wise, Lungs reasonably behaving. I've got the cold so I don't think they're gonna be 100%, but a peak flow of about 350 isn't bad. The blood sugars are being quite stable aswell so it looks as if things are finally on the up on that side. But we'll see what happens!
Vicky x