Thursday, 3 June 2010

Day in the life of Me

I thought I'd give you a day in the life of me blog, because I've got nothing better to blog about and I thought it may be remotely interesting haha. I'll do it on a typical Wednesday and will put as much detail and humour into it as I can :P

0715 - Alarm goes off. Alarm gets thrown at wall. It's one of those fantastic alarms that gets thrown at the wall to shut it up. Whoever invented them needs Knighted.
0730 - Roll out of bed and wander to the bathroom. I generally end up falling over something on the way.
0735 - Drugs time! In the morning I take: Prednisolone, Aminophylline, Citalopram, Fexofenadine, Lansoprazole, Calceos, Nasonex and my eye drops go in. I then take my Symbicort, Atrovent and Ventolin. I check my blood sugars and depending on what they're like decides whether or not I need to go have some coke. I'll check my peak flow and hope that it's high enough for me to ignore my asthma for a few hours. It generally isn't.
0740 - Get dressed and find college books. Generally easier said than done in my bedroom.
0745 - Go downstairs and have a bowl of cereal (BM depending, may end up being toast or nothing) and then run back upstairs to brush teeth.
0755 - Grab headphones, college ID and rucksack and run for the bus. Never a good start when you open the door and see the bus at the bus stop. Ruuuuuun!
0830 - Get to college and collapse in a heap in the medical room for 10mins to recover from your manic adventure to college.
0840 - 1230 - Lessons. God bless Wednesdays, I finish at lunchtime. Makes life so much easier.
1300 - Get home and do BM again. Fingers getting a bit sore by now, but hey, sooner or later they'll just become numb and won't be bothered by all the stabbings. I'll generally do a bit of revision for a few hours then play on my Wii. I do get bored though so going to sleep happens too.
1730 - Make some food. Generally pasta is a good start if I'm only cooking for me.
1800 - Go back upstairs and study a bit more or play my xbox this time. More than likely the xbox will win.
1900 - Time to leave for Red Cross. This will generally involve me treating some "casualty" they've made up for us. Borrrring.
2200 - Get home and clamber into bed. Try and find drugs on bedside table, check BM and peak flow and collapse in a heap

1 comment:

  1. thinks you need to tidy your bedroom LOL. Sounds like my bedroom when I was your age - wouldn't get away with that now with being married!

    Thanks for sharing your life with us - I love to see what other people get up to :)
