Saturday, 22 May 2010

Intensive Care Unit.

I don't think I could ever experience what has happened in the past few days again without completely going mad.

After my post on Thursday night my chest started getting quite bad and I didn't feel quite right, so I got one of my housemates to call an ambulance. I wasn't overly bad when the ambulance got there, but they know me and know I can go downhill quite quickly so took me in and took me to resus. When I got to resus I had lots of nebs, o2 and some hydrocortasone. They moved me to a ward pretty quickly which was quite good. I had declined an ABG in resus because I didn't think I was bad enough, but when I got up to ACB they had to call the ITU team because my HR, Resp Rate and Blood Sugar levels were really dodgey and they decided that I needed an ABG, so after a hell of a lot of persuasion I let them have one. But noooo, one wasn't enough. They wanted 3. So after a lot, and I mean a lot of persuasion, I let them have their 3. It was then decided my lactate levels were too high, my pottasium was too low and a lot of other things were dodgey. So they moved me to ITU. And I'm not joking, it was one of 'Thee' worse nights of my life so far. They had me catheterised, put an arterial line in and had fook knows how many lines going in and out. I think I had about 6 things going in and out of me. I know it's not a lot to some people, but to someone who has never been in ITU before it was absolutely terrifying. There was people around me ventilated and everything and here was little old me wondering what the hell was going on.

In the end they got everything sorted. I was on an insulin drip for 3 days because my sugars were all over the shop. They said I was in DKA because of the steroids I'm on and things, so I need to see the diabetic nurses on Monday so they can decide what to do from there. But for now I'm still stuck on the ward. I do know something though, I never, ever want to have to go through that again. I'm really going to make an effort to sort my diet out and what not, because that can't have helped matters. I made Emma a promise when she sat with me in ITU, that I would try and sort my life out, and I plan on doing that.

But for now, it's another hospital visit. I so can't wait to see my discharge letter haha.


  1. love,,hugs and thoughts with you, get well very soon!!!! xxxxx

  2. Hope you get well soon. Best get sending a shovel your way so you can burrow out.

  3. Oh my gosh that must have been so scary! Hope you're soon sorted and back home :)
    Hugs xxx
