Friday, 4 December 2009
Long time no blog.
It's been a bit of a shit November. I know I posted on the 20th, but it was a bit of a rubbish post if I'm honest, so I'd better fill people in on what's actually happening in my life. In a month I left where I was living, moved into a house with 5 other people, been in hospital with my asthma and been faced with a disciplinery in college. It's all going a bit pear shaped at the minute!
First of all, Moving out! Well the fight that had been coming between me and Emz finally happened. I think it had been coming for a while. It just wasn't meant to work out I don't think. Me and her mum were never going to see eye to eye. I got major pissed off though when her mum accused me of breaking her laptop. I nearly screamed at her. So the outcome of that one was that my grandparents bought her another one. But I moved into a big house with 5 other people. My room's quite small, but I like it. It's a nightmare to keep tidy though lol and I'm having to learn how to use a washing machine which is always fun considering I've done my own washing about 4 times in my life. But I'm getting there, slowly but surely I'm learning that I'm not as immature as people see me.
So yea, hospital lol. I think it had been building up, and I probably should've gone in sooner, because my sats were to be honest, shit lol. They did two Arterial Blood Gases, which incase you don't know, hurt like hell. They left me with the worlds most impressive bruises. I stayed in for 2 nights and then got home. I wasn't very happy though that I wasn't able to bounce straight back to doing everything that I wanted to, i.e college. I see Emz and wonder why I can't do what she does and just go straight back to full health after being in hospital. It's shit, and it took a lot for me to just sit in bed and rest. Anyone that knows me knows how hard it is for me to be calm. Having to ask for help was a fucking nightmare for me, and I plan on not having to do it again.
This week has been a bit shit. My asthma was playing havoc for 2 days, so was off college. Went in on wednesday then on Wednesday night/Thursday morning started vomiting so was off Thursday. Today is going to be fun considering I've had no sleep. I've got a meeting tomorrow night with the youth club I volunteer at then I'm coming home and going to bed. I'm on duty on Saturday, at a Christmas meal on Sat Night, then on duty again on Sunday morning, so it's going to be a fun weekend!
It's all good though, because my dearest boyfriend is going to be there! :D
Friday, 20 November 2009
I just wanted to send you a pm to say Hi :) I needed a bit of a rant and you understand better than anyone at Red Cross why I'm ranting because you're kinda in the same situation as me.
Getting out of hospital on Wednesday and going straight to red cross wasn't the best idea I've ever had, but I wanted to get back to normality. I don't like sitting around when there's so much stuff I can be doing with my life. I didn't want to miss the assessments last night because of my stupid asthma. But of course I ended up putting myself at risk, and part of the reason Terry snapped at Chris was because he didn't think I was ready to be there and I was. And looking back I suppose I wasn't ready. I should've been at home sleeping. Was I wrong to want to get back to normality so soon, or should I have left it a bit longer? I learnt tonight that I don't spring back as quick as I used to.It used to be I'd have an attack l one day and be a hell of a lot better the next, but it's not like that anymore. I couldn't even get up my own stairs tonight without nearly collapsing in a heap at the top.
I know different people take different times to recover from attacks, but in your eyes do you think I should've been at Red Cross last night? I've now put Chris in the position where he wants to leave Red cross and I really don't want that to happen for my sake or his.
Sorry for offloading on you, don't feel completely obliged to reply, it was good to have a rant :)
Vicky x
Chris wants to take care of me, that's all fine and well for someone who wants to be taken care of, but I'm 18 for christs sake! I want to go to college and run up stairs and go and get smashed at the weekend, but I can't! I know I can't, because I went for a walk around the park tonight with him and came home and felt like shit. It's annoying and I hate it. I know full well I'm not the worst person with asthma, and I know I'm pretty damned lucky. But I see how my friends bounce back from attacks, and I want to be able to do that. It's shit. And I hate it.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
1) I've got a boyfriend! His name's Chris and he's 21. He goes to the Red Cross with me, and is training to be a paramedic. Which made last night interesting when my chest went to hell and he attacked me with his steth and sats monitor. I wasn't impressed. But I really like him, and would love to make it last with him. I don't think he realises just how much he means to me. He gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
2) I've got a proper job! I am now a McDonalds employee. Only a student can get away with that really. I'm not sure whether I like it or not yet. I can't really keep up with it. I was on drinks last Sat. In the busiest McDonalds in town on half term, it made for an interesting day... But I'm on 9-6 on Saturday, so we shall see.
3) I passed all my first aid assessments! I'm now a qualified first aider! I got my kit last night and my ID card came in the post this week, so I'm well chuffed. I'm going on my first duty as a qualified person on Sunday, which I'm really looking forward to. It should be good!
I don't think I've any other major news. I was in London on Tuesday for Asthma UK's youth conference which was great fun. It was held in the Houses of Parliament and it was good fun. I'm going back on Tuesday coming for a Question Time with the Prime Minister which should be good fun!
Anyway, I need to do some college work, laters!
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
National Express
College has been taking up a large amount of my time. I'm generally in from about 9-4 every day and then once I get home just want to flump down and go to sleep haha. But it's good fun and I'm kind of beginning to enjoy it.
I was in Ireland for a few days just after my birthday and only got back this morning. I spent about 12 hours on a coach in the past 24hours. I left Belfast at about 5ish yesterday and got into Leciester at about 7ish this morning. It was a long journey, made worse by the fact that the bloke in the seat in front of me was pissed and flirting with the 17yo beside him. Fun times. Not. But Ireland was good fun. I went and got completely plastered with my friend and went clothes shopping with my mum, so all was good! I got a lot of new clothes, so much so I had to take a bigger suitcase home with me. It was annoying though because the damned wheels died just as I was getting on the coach in Belfast, then the handle died in Birmingham. Not cool. I was most unimpressed. So I gave up and got a taxi home. It cost me a tenner but it was worth it instead of having to try and lug that damned thing through town and from the bus stop. I got home eventually though and went straight to sleep!
I can't really remember a lot of Ireland, and it wasn't because I was drunk. I honestly don't know what happened. It's wierd. I know I spent Thurs and Sunday night with dad, Sat night with mum when I got back from town and Friday night with Nanny. It was good fun and I did have a fabby time, what I remember of it. I got a few presents aswell which was good. I got some clothes, a locket from mum, money, gift vouchers, a picture of me and mum in a frame and a digital photo frame which is currently showing my "We Must Take Our Tablets Or We Will Go Mad" picture. It's all good fun!
I'm gonna go watch telly now, laters! x
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
I'm having a bit of a low. It's shit, I've been having a really good day and now just can't be arsed. I've got college in the morning and I'm really dreading it. I'm having serious problems re-adjusting to the whole college thing. Last time I was in school I knew everyone, had friends and knew my way around the place. I'm in a brand new college and know nobody. It's shit.
I'm going to Ireland though, so it's all good.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
I'm going to Ireland! I'm going to have to get the coach, which only requires photo ID. So I can use my old passport and my college ID! It's going to take 12hours. It's a nightmare. Dearbhla is flying. It's going to take her 55 minutes. >.< That'll teach me to loose my passport!
On another note, Adori Graphics (who fabulously designed my blog) is giving away a free giveaway! It's for a rotating header and it looks fantastic! Pop over to her blog at!
Sunday, 30 August 2009
In other news, I've got a job! It's only McDonalds, but seeing as it's the middle of a recession and it's a bloody nightmare to find a job at the minute, this is very good! It's a Saturday and Sunday job, and I've got my Welcome meeting on the 9th September. I'm going to be stupidly busy the next few weeks. I've got a lot of Red Cross stuff on, Work, Ireland and Diving. Madness!
Anyway, I can't be arsed to type anymore!
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Looking Up
It's Dearbhla's birthday on Friday, I can't wait. I'm probably more excited about it than she is lol. She's at camp this week, so I've had time to sort everything out. It's all good! I'm looking forward to it all, it should be good fun! We're going back to Ireland in September, and I can't wait. I can't wait to see my mates and family. I miss them loads, and am quite homesick at the minute, spec for my friends. I think it's because they're all starting 6th year in September and I'm not. I'm hopefully going to be home for their last day though, it would mean a lot if I could get home for it!
Anyways, I'm off to sleep! Night!
Friday, 31 July 2009
6 months
I miss my mum, TJ, Nanny, Pappy and friends. I miss getting up in the morning and going to school. I want to start 6th year, and graduate with all my friends. Instead of constantly changing schools because of stupid family life. I miss home.
Monday, 20 July 2009
Anyway, I was in London today for a meeting with the Department of Health. It was one of those things that drives you insane, but doing it makes you feel good, because if there's a chance you can help your friends then you'll do anything. Which is the reason behind my staying up half the night last week trying to read the documents I was sent. It was tedious. The morning was spent with AUK reading over it, then the afternoon was spent with the Dept of Health reading it again. I think the DOH one was easier to sit through. They made more sense and didn't spend half an hour argueing over whether nebs* where better than pMDI's**. It was all good though. I learnt a fair bit, and met some people who are quite influencial in the health system which was quite cool. It was one of those days that you don't know whether it was boring or not haha.
On the way home I stopped into a friends for the day, and had a laugh with her for a few hours which was good fun. She's one of my best mates, and I've only known her for a month haha. Anyway, I'll leave you with a picture of what I saw on the way home. As Mish says, Cannibal Lector!

* Neb - A machine that gives medication via a mask/mouthpiece as a mist for you to inhaler. Generally used in hospitals.
**pMDI - Pressured Metered Dose Inhaler - Standard "blue inhaler"
Thursday, 16 July 2009
New Blog
In other news, dad's been over since Monday, and went home at about 5ish this morning. It was great having him over. We did some wicked stuff together, and with Dearbhla. the first night he was here, we went and had a few games of pool, then came back and had pizza with Sinead and Dearbhla. I don't think I've ever seen Dearbhla stop eating before then. The next day we were at a complete loss as to what to do, so went to Twycross. It was brilliant, there was looaaaads of monkies, which are my favourite animal ever! That evening Dearbhla had St John, so me and dad went to Asda to get some food and walked around the highcross and then picked her up. The next day me and dad went bowling, then I had Red Cross which was fun. Dad picked me up and took me, Sinead and Dearbhla to see Harry Potter which was well good.
I love seeing dad. I see him maybe once a month, sometimes longer or shorter. Just depends really. I'l not see him again until September now which is a bit rubbish, but it's something to look forward to!
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Sprains, Slings and Stings
Dad's coming this week, I can't wait. I don't know what I'm doing with him yet, but I want to go see Harry Potter! Dearbhla's friend Sinead is coming to stay for the week, she had problems with university accomodation. But Joan and Derek are going away on holidays this week, so it won't be as cramped. I'll be in the attic, Dearbhla and Sinead in our room and Dad in Joes room. So it won't be too bad.
It's all good fun though.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
I think I might go buy myself a new pair of combat 3/4 lengths tomorrow as a present to myself for surviving the dentist lol. Hmmm....
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Day in the life of lost-soul
9.30 - Get up and look around and see if Dearbhla is up yet
09.35 - Take meds, go to toilet and tooter downstairs for some breakfast
10.00 - Brush teeth, have a wash and get dressed
11.15 - Go on laptop for a bit
12.00 - Dentist for filling. Cue huge panic.
1.00 - Come home and sleep sedation off.
3.00 - Get out of bed and ring the bank.
3.15 - Moan at Alison about how useless the banks are
3.30 - Go on laptop for another while/collect George
4.00 - Watch TV with the kids for a bit
5.00 - Dinner time!
5.30 - Go back on laptop for another while.
6.30 - Leave for RC!
10.00 - Arrive home, flop in bed with laptop and fall asleep watching House.
My life revolves around laptop :P
Good Impressions
:D I'm so hyper I can't sleep!
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Bad impression
I've had enough. I can't be bothered with this anymore. I want to go home and never come back. It's obvious I'm not worth it.
Friday, 19 June 2009
Intelligent conversation
I've been doing a lot of talking with dad when I've been over. We've been talking about depression, a fight I had with Dearbhla, his depression and everything in between. He's so much better than any councellor, because he's been through depression, and knows how I feel. So you can actually have an intelligent conversation with him. He gives me advice and stuff, and knows what he's talking about. I love him to bits, I really do.
I'm going to Monaghan tomorrow. I'm gonna be staying with my nanny. I saw her a few weeks ago, which was quite cool, so I'll have seen her twice in as many weeks. I'm just waiting to hear from her what she's doing, because she only gets back from Canada tomorrow afternoon, I've asked her to collect me from the bus tomorrow at about 5.30pm, so she's time to get some sleep and stuff. It's all good.
We'll see how the trip home goes...
Monday, 15 June 2009
Mixed Emotions
In other news, I'm heading back to Ireland tomorrow. I'm not sure what I think of it. I know it will be good for Dearbhla to have some space for a week, but going home is hard. It's bringing up all the emotions I've been trying to put to the back of my head. Everything that happened just gets brought back to the front of my head. I get worse flashbacks, nightmares and everything just gets multiplied by about 10. It's hard. I know I have to go home though, because I can't keep running from everything for the rest of my life. I've booked flights for me and Dearbhla to go home in September for my birthday. Going home for a good time hopefully, if nothing happens that is.
I just found out one of my best mates boyfriends wants to admit himself to a pysch hospital. I'm really worried about him, as much as he does my head in, he's still a really nice bloke, and doesn't deserve half the stuff that has happened to him.
Hope he's OK.
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Small steps
Today I went into town. I had to go to Curry's to get my laptop fixed and get dads fathers day present. Curry's told me they would re-install it and that should sort it out. OK, so get home, OK, play with it a bit, and it crashes. Shit. Tomorrow I'm dragging Dearbhla into town with me and I'm getting this damned thing either fixed or replaced. Because I don't wanna be taking a doody laptop home with me. Although, I may get dad to have a look at it if it doesn't get sorted tomorrow.
I got dad one of the old Dr Who DVD's. One of the Tom Baker era ones, and a really nice card, so it's all good. He's done a lot for me in the past year and I don't know what I would've done without him. I'm now broke, but he deserves it.
Me and Dearbhla had a really good afternoon. We were throwing Jelly Beans and Haribo's at each other and seeing who could catch them in our mouths. It was great, I was actually really happy and we were both in stitches laughing. I love Dearbhla for that, she's great at making me laugh.
So a good day all in all :)
Dealing with it all.
Bad night
I’m having a bad night. And I’ve no idea why. This is the problem with depression, you go into lows, and you don’t know why. I’ve spent all night looking at my meds and wondering have I enough to do damage. And I probably do. There’s at least 100 co-codamol, and about 20 tramadol in my drawer. I’m scared. I don’t know why I’m feeling like this. I keep thinking I’ve pissed people off. The people close to me like Dearbhla, Joan or dad. My friends. They say I haven’t, but I don’t know, I feel like I have. I am already getting side effects from my citalopram (anti-depressants). My heart rate has been in the 160’s all day. It’s doing my head in. It’s too hot. I’m lying in bed with a thin blanket on, my pyjama bottoms rolled up and a really light t-shirt on. It’s nearly 2am but I’m not tired. My stupid leg hurts, which gives me a reason to take pain meds. This is not good. I’ve taken 2 tramadol tonight. But I don’t know if I could take any now. I’m not in the right mind frame to be taking strong pain killers. It sounds stupid. But I know if I go near them now I’ll probably take too many. I’m trying to type loads so I keep my hands occupied, because right now I’m so unbelievably tempted to self harm. I haven’t felt like this for nearly a year. It’s pissing me off. I’m playing Majong, typing this and watching a DVD all at the same time. I can’t deal with this anymore. I feel like shit and I’ve no idea why. I’m gonna go play some more Majong, and play some more random games and hope this passes. I’ll wait until I’m stupid tired before going to sleep.
Friday, 12 June 2009
No Hope.
I don't want to be on anti-depressants. It might be for the best, but I don't want to. I don't want to admit I'm depressed again. I can't do it. I'll take the anti-depressants for a few weeks till I'm back at GP, and if they haven't done very much, I'mgonna ask to either have them upped, or taken off them. I e-mailed Open Door tonight. They're the councelling service my GP wants me to see. It's a lot easier to say something in e-mail than to ring them, so it's good they have an e-mail option.
We'll see how the anti-depressants go. I'm not looking forward to the side effects. The next few days should be fun. I'm going back to Ireland for a week on Tuesday. That'll be interesting...
Besides that, I'm still having a crap time. I don't know what to do with myself. I got a cheque in the post this morning from Asthma UK for 12 quid in expenses from April, so that's good, I also got some details about my national insurance number in the post, which is also good. So overall it's been a very strange day so far.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Lost with no cause
A little bit of background about me.
I'm a 17 year old, who for 7 years lived with an alchoholic stepdad. He started physically abusing me about a year ago, and on top of all the verbal and emotional abuse I decided to move out. It had already left it's mark though, and I suffer from depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I have flashbacks to what happened, and have nightmares about things. They're always involving things that happened with him, but 10x worse. the worst one I ever had was he was raping my mum and tried to kill TJ, and I was in the corner watching it all, unable to move or speak. They're scary, and they scare the shit out of me. But I find it helps if I unload on someone, so that's what this is for. I moved to England at the end of January, and now live with my best friend and her family. They're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love them to bits.
Ontop of all of that, I've got moderate/severe asthma. I take 3 different inhalers, and a tablet for my asthma. I'm quite lucky as my best friends have Severe/Brittle asthma, and they take a lot more medications than me. I also get stress induced migraines. So I need to try and stay kind of calm a lot of the time or I get a migraine that incapacitates me for 2 days.
Apart from that, I do a lot of work for Asthma UK, and am part of their Youth Forum. I am also going to be doing work with the Department of Health, and hopefully for the George Collor Memorial if they ever need us again. I love sports, and am hoping to become a sports coach for Leicester City council at some point in the near future.
Today is one of my bad days. I'm having an "I miss home day." I get these maybe twice a month. They're days when I want a hug from my mum or little brother, to be back in my old school with my friends and for everything to be normal. But I know that can never happen again. Because I've seen and done too much in my life.
Anyway, I'll leave you with some random stuff about me.
I'm starting GCSE's in September.
I'm hoping to try and remain as anonymous as possible on this.
I'm a qualified Open Water SCUBA diver
I can ski
I own an iPod touch, LG mobile, Acer Laptop, Wii, Xbox, PC (which is at home), 2 telly's, a dvd player, 3 hard drives and a kick ass graphics card!
Until next time!