But I'm over in nanny's for the day so mum and James can spend some time together. Not only that but the house still smells of smoke and mum is going to have to spray a shit load of bleach spray to get rid of it and the marks that were left by the smoke on the cooker. But I got to take the quad bike out today for the first time sicne I crashed it over a year ago. I tried to get it up a steep hill and it didn't go well. I couped it and it started leaking petrol. Needless to say I nearly shite myself and had to run the 2k back to the house to get my uncle and other uncle to go rescue it. Nanny and Pappy are away this week so I took my oppurtunity and took it for a quick spin around some of the fields. It felt great to get that sense of freedom and power back. As you can see from the photo, the quad isn't just a little kids toy, it can hit about 40kph.
These are some pics of where I live. Most people can't believe I live in the arse end of nowhere and on a farm. He's your proof :P
You can't live on a farm without the obligatory tractor or pile of cow shite.
I think I've gotten used to being home now. I'm going to my old years Graduation Prom on Tuesday night. I can't fucking wait. Oooooh more gossip. Me and Chris are no more. His controlling behaviour just got too much and we're now officially over. It's weird. But I feel a lot better for it because it was just getting too much and now I don't have to worry about every little thing I do upsetting him. But now I can go to the debs with my best friend Laura, dance all night, not come home until 5am and have a fantastic night. It will be brilliant! :D
But this has been a silly long blog post, and I can't be arsed typing anymore. I'll do another post during the week maybe :)
loved this entry - very entertaining! i'm glad you're happier :)