The Cannula I had in the crease of my arm gave up at like 6am. Not fun. The tegaderm didn't agree with me.
They ended up cannulating the middle of my arm. It hurt!
They turned all the lights off and shut the curtains at about 3pm. CCU is great, the have Sony Bravia's hanging from the ceiling.
Then me and the nurses had chinese at 11pm! Fun times!
So yea, Ended up back in hospital. It's getting really fucking annoying now. I'm waiting on my appointment with my new consultant coming through, but it'll probably be after Christmas now because the waiting list is silly. This admission though about 3 other things went wrong, not just my chest. Which was really annoying. When I'm ill, my pottasium levels go low. As a result I was having Cardiac Arrythmias which means I was skipping heartbeats left, right and center and spent 3 days on Coronary Care and another 6 days with Cardiac Monitoring on. So not cool. Then on top of that I ended up with an obstructed bowel. The pain was just silly. I probably wouldn't have been in so long if it hadn't have been for that. So I've been sent home with Lactalose. Not good. Nasty stuff. Evil nasty horrible stuff. Constipated people don't give a shit.
In other news. James is in an alcoholic treatment center. To be honest I don't care. He's said he'd stop drinking so many times before, that until he's off it for at least 6 months and is making a proper effort to get his life back on track, I'm not going to get my hopes up. The scars just run too deep. He got himself arrested again before I went into hospital for drinking and driving, and should be in court tomorrow. But obviously he won't be. He got away very lightly. They aren't charging him for driving without a license, which at the minute he doesn't have because he got it taken off him about 3 years ago for exactly the same thing. Some people never learn. He's a dickhead, and the sooner mum realises that and tells him where to go the better.
I'm going back to school tomorrow. It should be interesting. I've got a shitload of work to catch up on, and my parent teacher meeting is in a few weeks. I'm screwed. I've only actually been in school for a week since the year began. I'm determined though I'm going to catch up. I like school, and they're making a huge effort to make things easier for me, so the least I can do is return the effort.
Anyway, until next time my friends!
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